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23 March 2020
7th InHealth Radiographer Reporting Study Evening

Artificial Intelligence in Radiography – The Robots are coming!

Whether we are excited, fearful or just plain sceptical….. one thing for certain is that Artificial Intelligence in healthcare is here to stay (or on the way, for the sceptics) BUT IT WILL change the way we deliver clinical services.

In the world of Radiology, AI has been the main topic of discussion over recent years. The main focus of published research is firmly on how it will impact the role of the radiologist. So what about the profession of radiography, and practice of radiographers?

“AI in Radiography: The Robots are coming” will bring together a panel of specialists from across imaging with speakers from Academia, Radiology, The Society & College of Radiographers & The British Institute of Radiology.


Sri Redla, President Elect, British Institute of Radiology
Introduction to AI in Radiography

Christina Malamateniou, 
Academic’s perspective

Kevin Tucker, Society and College of Radiographers 
The SCoR’s position on AI

Rizwan Mallik, Consultant Radiologist – Royal Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
Radiologist’s perspective

Watch the full event below